Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts


#owlblogs doesn't have any user documentation yet. I want to change this but am conflicted between two approaches.

  1. Setup a typical documentation system (e.g. mkDocs) and document everything there.

  2. Integrate the documentation into the software, adding help pages served beside the blog.

#documentation #docs #dev


Some crawlers try to use the (non-existing) #Mastodon API of my blog, since my blog supports #ActivityPub.

Most don't send a User-Agent or use the generic user-agent of the library they use.



Unfinished thought:

People argue that AI will replace all these workers as there work is easily automated. Simultaneously they will not be replaced as there is so much more to their job than the thinks they type into their keyboard.

There is a disconnect where people judge the work of others only by the observable output while recognizing that there own work is worth more than the output visible by others.

Similar to surveys about UBI (universal basic income):

  • 80% of people would still work with an UBI
  • 80% of people think their neighbors would stop working with an UBI

#AI #society


Am I the only one who finds it weird that #wwdc24 is such a big event, followed by that many people?


Added two flags to #owl-blogs to allow setting location of the database and bind address.


#todo change reply from article to note on ActivityPub, as the main usage is short replies.


#indieweb How do you deal with postings in different languages? I normally write in English, but occasionally switch to German if the main audience is German.


Next Milestone for #ActivityPub support in owl-blogs: being able to play fedi-games :D