#gamedev progress:
- started work on UI elements
- Guest will no longer be checked in automatically. Instead the player has to choose a room for them (ideally based on preferences)
Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts
#gamedev progress:
#gamedev progress:
#gamedev progress on unnamed hotel game:
I'm currently measuring the horizon to determine shading on my solar panels.
TIL: A Theodolite is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles between visible points.
On Android Dioptra can be used to do the same (with very coarse accuracy)
App to take photos including including position and orientation.
#TIL: Placing two spaces at the end of a line creates a line break in #markdown.
Ich kann mit meinem selbst gebauten Blog im Fediverse aktiv sein, mit Menschen interagieren und meine Inhalte gehören immer mir
Thanks :)
Thanks! That is what I was looking for.
I'm missing the vocabulary for googling this.
Is there a better way to write this? I want to filter a vector of enums to elements that match one specific pattern.
.filter(|r| match r.kind {
RoomKind::BedRoom(_) => true,
_ => false