Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts


#gamedev progress:

  • started work on UI elements
  • Guest will no longer be checked in automatically. Instead the player has to choose a room for them (ideally based on preferences)

screenshot of an unnamed hotel game showing a work in progress dialog


#gamedev progress:

  • added funds mechanism. Guests pay based on length of stay and final mood. Rooms now have a cost
  • added a trait system for guests, which change their behavior/needs.

Debug screenshot of an unnamed hotel game showing the traits of a guest


#gamedev progress on unnamed hotel game:

  • Spent a lot of time trying to streamline the guest AI code. This is something I still can wrap my head around entirely, partially due to #rust, mainly as this is something I never worked on before.
  • Corridors and doors are now rendered in front of rooms. Rooms are only shown if someone is in them.
  • Added simple buttons as start of UI.
  • It's now possible to place new rooms.

Screenshot of unnamed hotel game


I'm currently measuring the horizon to determine shading on my solar panels.

TIL: A Theodolite is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles between visible points.

On Android Dioptra can be used to do the same (with very coarse accuracy)

#survey #horizon #solar


#TIL: Placing two spaces at the end of a line creates a line break in #markdown.


I'm missing the vocabulary for googling this.

Is there a better way to write this? I want to filter a vector of enums to elements that match one specific pattern.

.filter(|r| match r.kind {
    RoomKind::BedRoom(_) => true,
    _ => false

#rust #dev