Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts


I can now define menu items in the header. For example a link to the list of my notes :D.


No Ghosts!


 #      n  m,.lö 0ßä   nm8   m  sd n   vbgfffffffffffbghui  bbbbbbbbbbbǘ     bbh bv bnmjk m                                                  löDFg


Simple coverage: go test -cover

Per line coverage:

go test -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html=coverage.out


This is another note to test lists.



This is a note. It does not have a title or description. They will be used similar to toots or tweets. To keep the main page clean, notes will not be included there, instead I'll add another feed/list for notes.