Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts


I've started owl-blogs to explore the #IndieWeb space. At the moment I'm "only" using #microformats and #webmention.

I've tried to implement #micropub in the past, but found it provided to little value for me.

Anything I should try out next?


When using go-ap/jsonld, to extend the context by a term use:

		{IRI: jsonld.IRI(vocab.ActivityBaseURI)},
		{Term: jsonld.Term("Hashtag"), IRI: jsonld.IRI("")},

Instead of:

var ApEncoder = jsonld.WithContext(
		{Term: jsonld.Term("Hashtag"), IRI: jsonld.IRI("")},

The latter ignores the terms.

#golang #dev #activitypub #fediverse


I'm not sure if this note will show up on hashtags. They are added to the #ActivityPub object, but is this sufficient for #Mastodon?

Please react to this if you saw this note due to its hashtag!

#fediverse #testing


owl-blogs now supports replies to entries. The content of the reply is added to the bottom of the post, similar to comments.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse


Another test note


I can now process likes on my blog notes via #ActivityPub


second test note