Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts

Tag: gamedev


#gamedev progress:

  • generalized character rendering to share code between guests and employees.
  • Added support for different animations. Animations are determined by the current action executed by the character.
  • Employees are now rendered with new character system.

Animation in hotel game


#gamedev progress on hotel game:

  • further work on sprites in new format
    • 32x32 for characters
    • 48x48 for rooms
  • added roof to the hotel
  • shirt and pants color of each guest is now randomized

Screenshot of a hotel game showing the new roofs


#gamedev progress:

  • game world is now rendered with a scaling. Default canvas has a size of 640x360 to nicely scale for common resolutions.
  • UI is still rendered at full screen resolution.
  • started to rework guest sprite. Choose a sprite size of 32x32 and started work on animation (4 frame walk cycle, 2 frame idle cycle)
  • Separated body parts into individual sprites to allow customizing each guest with different skin and cloth colors and hair styles.

Screenshot of an unnamed hotel game with new scaling and guest sprite. The guest sprite looks out of place.


#gamedev progress:

  • added two new rooms (grill and wine cellar). These will function as extensions of the restaurant in the future.
  • employees now "reserve" work stations to avoid multiple employees going to the same station
  • restaurant visitors now have to be seated by employees.


#gamedev progress:

  • further work on UI. Refactored to use a common trait for all elements.
  • first real player interaction is now implemented: guests have to be assigned to rooms by the player.

Game screenshot showing dialog to assign a guest to a room at check in


#gamedev progress:

  • started work on UI elements
  • Guest will no longer be checked in automatically. Instead the player has to choose a room for them (ideally based on preferences)

screenshot of an unnamed hotel game showing a work in progress dialog


#gamedev progress:

  • added funds mechanism. Guests pay based on length of stay and final mood. Rooms now have a cost
  • added a trait system for guests, which change their behavior/needs.

Debug screenshot of an unnamed hotel game showing the traits of a guest


#gamedev progress on unnamed hotel game:

  • Spent a lot of time trying to streamline the guest AI code. This is something I still can wrap my head around entirely, partially due to #rust, mainly as this is something I never worked on before.
  • Corridors and doors are now rendered in front of rooms. Rooms are only shown if someone is in them.
  • Added simple buttons as start of UI.
  • It's now possible to place new rooms.

Screenshot of unnamed hotel game


#gamedev progress:

  • refactored entire "Person" struct into individual structs for "Guest" and "Employee".
    • Separated logic and data.
    • AI actions are now individual structs that implement an Action trait
  • Started working on a Mood & Thoughts system.

Screenshot of mood icon above guest