Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts

Tag: gamedev


#gamedev progress:

  • Implemented A* for navigation
  • Started implementing the guests #AI. At the moment they only book a room at the reception and then idle in their room. If no room is available they leave.
  • Added further debugging to show path, tasks stack and inventory.


#gamedev progress:

Wrote function to find all tiles which are reachable from another one. Rooms have now a property to define how they connect to their neighbors.

Game screenshot where reachable tiles are marked green


#gamedev progress

Fixed my 2D camera to correctly transform form screen coords to world coords. Added a debug indicator to show the tile of the mouse.


#gamedev progress:

I'm in the mood for game development again. This is the progress after the second evening on a yet unnamed game.

Not much yet just:

  • rendering ground
  • rendering rooms

I'm currently using #rust and #sdl2