Libove Blog

Personal Blog about anything - mostly programming, cooking and random thoughts


I've got this images from It's been my default test image ever since.


Browse GTK4 icon on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install gtk-4-examples


#Tradle #530 6/6








I've reintegrated webmentions into owl-blog. It only supports incoming webmentions at the moment and is quiet limited. Webmentions will only been shown as a link on the bottom of entries.


If you only pass a UUID into Midjourney it will mostly generate landscape photography and pictures of children.

/imagine prompt: ef717141-7952-4f0b-b407-dde7f94bebb7 --v 5


Rebuild the itunes tags report to include descriptions and examples for each tag.


Stringing on Prusa Mini+:

  • Increased retraction length by 0.2 mm (to 3.4 mm)
  • Reduced lift from 0.2 mm to 0.1 mm


Ctrl+. not working in VSCode Fix


Checkout org-mode


Have to find a good solution for documenting features of owl-blogs.